Everyone wants to smell good. Because smelling good not only increases self-confidence. But it also makes people close to you not feel uncomfortable every time they are near each other. Therefore, anyone who is not confident in their own body odor Today we have brought you tips on how to make yourself smell good all day long to share with you. What will there be? Let’s go and see together.

1. Take a shower 2 times a day,
each day ladies. You should shower at least 2 times in order to completely wash off dirt and unwanted odors that are stuck to your skin and hair. Especially the areas that easily cause odor, including the folds of your hands, feet, and armpits, should be cleaned thoroughly. Because it may cause an accumulation of bacteria that cause body odor.
2. Use deodorizing products.
Products used to deodorize You should choose a scent that you like and that makes you feel fresh. Whether it’s a roll-on or a deodorant spray. Do not choose a scent that is too strong. Because it may cause dizziness.
3. Nourish your skin with fragrant lotion.
After taking a shower, girls should nourish their skin with various skin care creams or lotions. fragrant In order to add moisture to the สมัคร ufabet skin It is also a way to maintain healthy skin every day. It also helps to smell good.
4. Spray perfume.
As for spraying perfume, It should be sprayed at important points such as the crook of the arm, wrist, neck, or center of the chest because these areas will help the scent of the perfume spread. The most important thing is You shouldn’t spray too much perfume. Because it may cause the body to smell pungent.
5. Wear scented clothes.
The clothes used include cotton, silk, or linen, which help to breathe well. Clothes should also smell good. Starting with cleaning clothes properly. And choosing to use scented clothing cleaning products will help.
6.Eat nutritious food
Eating nutritious food By focusing on eating all 5 food groups and drinking lots of water. It will help keep the body healthy. along with various systems The body works well inside. Resulting in healthy skin and no body odor as well.
7. Use a sauna once a week.
Sauna bathing will help remove sweat and toxins from the body. Including accumulated body odor will also be expelled. But you should only use the sauna once a week.
8. Stop smoking.
Smoking not only causes health problems. But it also makes the body smell good. Observed by people who smoke. There will be a strong body odor and smell of cigarette smoke.
9. Refrain from drinking tea, coffee,
and tea and coffee drinks that contain caffeine. which is a substance that has the effect of stimulating sweat glands makes you sweat more Sweat is the main cause of body odor. Including alcoholic drinks that are classified as drinks that cause body odor as well.
10. Avoid food with strong smells.
Foods with strong odors, whether they be garlic, shallots, onions, meat, or even spicy foods They all contribute to easily causing body odor. And most importantly, these foods also cause bad breath.
Know 10 tips that will help girls Smells good all day long. It is believed that these tips will help increase the confidence of women even more, especially those who are worried about the problem of body odor that no matter how much they try to treat it, it doesn’t go away. However, don’t forget to pay attention to the cleanliness of your body and clothes. Including drinking water and eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, these things help reduce the problem of body odor quite well.