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Category Archives: Health

6 causes of cervical itching Inside matters that women should not ignore

6 causes of cervical itching Inside matters that women should not ignore

cervical itching It is one of the symptoms that annoys women a lot and causes unexplained suffering. Because when itching. It cannot be scratched like other parts of the skin. For anyone who has had such symptoms Or are currently experiencing cervical itching? Let’s take a look at the causes

9 low sugar fruits that are delicious and good for your health

9 low sugar fruits that are delicious and good for your health

In addition to being a good source of important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, fruits also contain sugar. Which if choosing to eat fruits that are high in sugar and want results in dieting or losing weight Eating fruit that is high in sugar may

10 High Sugar Drinks As bad for health as "soft drinks"

10 High Sugar Drinks As bad for health as “soft drinks”

Many drinks that we think are good for health are actually sugar-containing drinks. Until it’s no better than soft drinks at all. If you want to reduce your sugar intake. Here are 10 drinks you should avoid. Because it will make your waistline thicker in no time Fruit Juice : Most

Why? Some people drink "coffee" and "diarrhea"

Why? Some people drink “coffee” and “diarrhea”

Many people may have noticed that weight loss products. or a laxative for people with constipation It usually comes in the form of instant coffee. Some people say that drinking coffee has to be taken anyway. Just normal coffee No need to add senna herbs or anything. But for some people

Coffee vs green tea for caffeine What is healthier to drink?

Coffee vs green tea for caffeine What is healthier to drink?

For anyone who wants caffeine to wake up in the morning. Coffee and green tea, which is better for health ? Caffeine in coffee vs green tea If you look at the amount of caffeine in coffee and green tea. in the same amount of drink Coffee has three times